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You’ve been saying this for months now… It’s high time to run a teacher training.  


Aside from building your community, elevating your teaching staff, and creating a network of new teachers who are aligned with your teaching methodology, your YTT is the highest-priced product that a studio or teacher can offer. 


Some years it can bring in as much as $75-100k additional revenue.


But here is a hard truth— creating a yoga teacher training takes a lot of time. Like, a LOT.


Creating an exceptional one even longer.


Did you know that you can expect to spend at least 4 hours of planning time for every hour of training time?  This means twenty full-time weeks of work.  If you are running a studio (and a family, or other jobs), getting your program off the ground might be next to impossible.  


This is where we come in.


Why spend the next 800 hours starting from scratch when you can purchase one of the most well-respected Apex-Driven, Intention-Focused, Vinyasa Yoga Teacher Training programs in the industry? 


With one click of a button, your training curriculum, training manuals, handouts, enrollment contracts, and marketing templates can land in your inbox.  You could be opening registration next month rather than next year.


And by the way… purchasing a training is NOT cheating. 


Yes, you want your teacher training to be a reflection of you and your brand.  Yes, you want it to feel like YOU.  We want this for you too.  There is plenty of room for you to put your stamp on it.   


Licensing the right training is the best way to put your work in the right place.


Rather than “recreating the wheel,” you can instead spend your time more efficiently by adapting the program, preparing your training skills, and getting the training marketed to your community.

Your licensing package includes:


  • Full 200-hour Teacher Training Program

Good Ground Yoga’s celebrated Yoga Alliance-approved, intention-focused, apex-driven, embodied-led vinyasa style teacher training with an emphasis on inclusion, accessibility, therapeutics, working with injuries, mixed-level modifications, reading energy, and hands-on assists that get people out of pain and deliver practice-altering breakthroughs.


Your package includes a 400-page in-depth Training Curriculum, Training Manual, Asana Index, Injury Cheat Sheets, Hands-On Assisting Video Library, and marketing materials. 


  • Program Delivery Support

Training for your teaching team regarding program delivery, creating safe space, inclusion, accessibility, how to uncover people's blindspots, and giving real-time, actionable feedback with clear action steps so your trainees feel empowered and not overwhelmed.


  • One year of ongoing mentoring support

To walk you through the process from start to finish.​

*Packages start at $45,000

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